Facial Fat Transfer

05/04/2013 16:45

For plenty of years, skin aging was linked to sagging skin and decreased skin elasticity. Anybody who wants to have younger skin is treated with a facelift in order to get rid of excess skin. But in the past 20 years, plastic surgeons have discovered that aging was more complex than that. It’s true that skin may stretch out and lose elasticity and at the same time there is also a loss of facial volume and fat.

For people in their 40s and 50s who desire to look younger, today’s technology involves options aside from surgery and these are facial or dermal fillers.

There are a lot of fillers used today and a lot of cosmetic professionals have a wide range of successful experience with these products. However, there is another way: facial fat transfer!

How It Works

Today it is possible to use “excess” fat from other parts of the body in order to fill in empty areas, enhance highlight points and of course, fill in wrinkles. Fat cells are gathered using typical liposuction procedures. This fat is processed in a way that keeps the fat cells alive. Your very own fat cells are then injected beneath your skin like other fillers. Some fat cells won’t survive this process but most of them will. In a way, transplanted fat is permanent. So the results won’t go away. But the catch is that it will also change with your weight like all other fat cells in your body. Learn how to find an experienced and certified plastic surgeon by visiting this website. Click here to learn how to prevent bad plastic surgery.

How can the fat fillers be used?

  • For improved lip volume
  • For upturning corners of the mouth
  • Correcting baggy lower eyelids
  • Correcting hollow upper eyelids

Facial fat transfer may not be the answer to all facial aging problems and is sometimes not suitable for some people with “full” faces while some might take advantage of this relatively newer technique.
